2022 Flower and Produce Show Photos and results.
Winners of each of the classes are shown below:
1. Individual Rose stem:
1st. Jenni Connell with Rosa Darcy Bussell (David Austin), chosen for its scent and colour.
2nd. Annie Davenport Rosa Crown Princess Margarita (David Austin)
2. 3 Stems of Roses all of the same kind
1st. Hilda Fanning – variety not known
2nd, Catriona Campbell –
3. A bowl of roses with rose foliage, all of the same kind
1st Ophelia Farman- Bonica
2nd Phyllis Baker – Rose of Lancashire Rosa gallica var officinalis
4. A vase of cut flowers all of the same kind
1st. Annie Davenport - Campanula
2nd Sue Taylor- Sweet William
5. A vase of mixed flowers and foliage
1st. Catriona Campbell
2nd. Gundall Haxton
6. An arrangement of flowers in a cup and saucer
1st. Gundall Haxton
2nd Sheelagh Canney
7. A Man’s buttonhole
1st Catriona Campbell
2nd Jenni Connell
8. An arrangement of Herbs
1st Sheelagh Canney
2nd Geraldine Heath
9. A dish of 4 potatoes
1st Jenni Connell – variety Coleen.
10. A dish of 3 kinds of vegetable
1st Geraldine Heath
2nd Sheelagh Canney
11. A dish of salad vegetables
1st Phyllis Baker
2nd Geraldine Heath
12. A dish of mixed fruit
1st Geraldine Heath
2nd Sheelagh Canney
13. 6 Hens Eggs
1st Ophelia Farman
2nd Sue Taylor
14. A jar of home made marmalade, fruit curd, jam or jelly.
1st Geraldine Heath
2nd Jenni Connell
Children’s categories (Age 11 and under)
15. Garden Flowers arranged in a jam jar
1st & 2nd Ophelia Farman
16. Animal made from fruit/vegetables
1st Ophelia Farman