2024-25 Programme
Please note the new start time of 7.30 Arrive early to get your raffle tickets
Membership fees were due in October (£10 for the year).
These can be paid by cash/cheque at the meeting or BACS but a membership form must be completed. See FORMS
3rd October Jane Perrone : House Plants
7th November Andrew Babicz : RHS Wisley
5th December Social Evening with AGM & Slide show
Club member's meeting with seasonal nibbles and wine
January No meeting
January No meeting
6th February Susan Young: Cottage Gardens
6th March Alison Moller: The History of the Wimpole Estate Raffle Prize Rota surnames C & D
1st April Outing to Oakington Garden Centre with Cream Tea: Places to be reserved by 23 March
3rd April Neil Dickinson: Japanese Gardens
1st May Chris Gibson: The Wild Side of Beth Chattos Garden
10th May SATURDAY morning Roadside Plant sale 10-12pm
21st June. Flower & Produce Show in The Great Barn, Manor Farm, Bourn
24 June Club Outing to Bressingham gardens by coach. Places will need to be reserved.
Raffle & Competition
At each meeting a raffle is held. Raffle prizes are kindly donated by club members- rotated alphabetically according to surname.
Flower of the Month
Bring a single flower from your garden to display each month for the competition.