The Flower and Produce Show was on 15th June in the Great Barn, Manor Farm, Bourn.
Photos of the Show can be found by clicking the link below:
50 years Celebration tea party: To celebrate 50 years of Bourn garden club, a tea party for members was held on 1st June (Saturday). Photos from the event are being added to the website.
Plant Sale 2024
The plant sale was held on a sunny Saturday morning, with an amazing selection of plants for sale. A grand total of £770 was raised.
We are very grateful to everyone who grew, sold and bought plants and books. The funds will support us in hosting great speakers and in
funding outings.
2023/24 Flower of the month competition - photos in the Recent Photos page or via the link on the home page.
October: Peter Dawson won with his deep violet Michaelmas Daisy (Aster)
November: Annie Davenport won with her Rose 'Bonica'
December: Only two entries - a Holly and an Antirrhinum - after very wet weather this month.
February: Lots of wonderful entries this month. The winner was Sheelagh with her scented Viburnum bodnantense.
March: An unusual Aeonium brought in by Sheelagh was the winner this month.
April: Jane Jackson's Double Narcissi was the winner this month.
May: Pam Smith's beautiful early deep red rose Etoile de Hollande won in a strong field of entries
Discounts for members are available from Madingley Mulch & Oakington Garden Centre on gardening related goods with proof of membership (you will need your card).