Photos - send in your photos from your garden or visits to and they can be included here.  If the full photo is not showing click on the photo to get a larger view.

Photos from the 2024 Plant sale shown below

Photos from the 2023-4 season. 

The October meeting was very well attended and the speaker inspired us all with his informative talk on 'Trees for all seasons'.  Flower of the month was won by Peter Dawson with his deep violet coloured Michaelmas daisies.

In November many members braved appalling weather to hear Robin Bletsoe talk on 'Grow to Eat' .  He gave tips on container growing of vegetables and use of raised beds, amongst other things, and generated some good questions.  Flower of the month was won by a very pretty rose 'Bonica' still flowering and looking good despite the weather, brought in by Annie Davenport.

The December AGM was held on a bitterly cold evening and festive drinks and mince pies were enjoyed as well as a short quiz and a slide presentation.  There were only two entries to the FOM competition.

February FOM had lots of entries.  The winning entry was a scented Viburnum bodnantense brought in by Sheelagh Canney.

Winner of the FOM in March was Sheelagh with her unusual Aeonium

In April we had a good selection of spring flowers.  The winner was a double narcissus brought in by Jane Jackson.

The May meeting had a large number of entries to the FOM and the winner was a gorgeous deep red rose brought in by Pam Smith

2023/4 Member's photos